
beeldmateriaal uit de film

Finding Neverland (2004)

Sir James Matthew Barrie

Sir James Matthew Barrie

Mary Ansell & Sir James

Mary Ansell & Sir James

Mrs. and Mr. Snow

Mrs. and Mr. Snow

Bad review

Bad review

James & Peter in the park

James & Peter in the park

Sylvia Llewelyn Davies

Sylvia Llewelyn Davies

James and his bear trick

James and his bear trick

James Barrie & Charles Frohman

James Barrie & Charles Frohman

The three Davies boys

The three Davies boys

James flying kite with the Davies family

James flying kite with the Davies family

Mrs. Emma du Maurier

Mrs. Emma du Maurier

Sir James Matthew Barrie & Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir James Matthew Barrie & Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir J.M. Barrie and little Peter

Sir J.M. Barrie and little Peter

Poster of the play ´Peter Pan´

Poster of the play ´Peter Pan´

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