
beeldmateriaal uit de film

Win a date with Tad Hamilton! (2004)

Rosalee Futch, Cathy Feely & Pete Monash at the movie

Rosalee Futch, Cathy Feely & Pete Monash at the movie

Tad Hamilton with company, alcohol and smokes

Tad Hamilton with company, alcohol and smokes

Richard Levy the Shameless, Tad Hamilton & Richard Levy the Driven

Richard Levy the Shameless, Tad Hamilton & Richard Levy the Driven

Piggly Wiggly

Piggly Wiggly

Pete Monash reading the paper

Pete Monash reading the paper

Rosalee Futch & Cathy Feely

Rosalee Futch & Cathy Feely

Pete Monash, Cathy Feely & Rosalee Futch in the bar

Pete Monash, Cathy Feely & Rosalee Futch in the bar

bartender Angelica

bartender Angelica

Tad Hamilton & Rosalee Futch having diner

Tad Hamilton & Rosalee Futch having diner

Tad Hamilton & Rosalee Futch

Tad Hamilton & Rosalee Futch

Tad Hamilton

Tad Hamilton

Rosalee Futch

Rosalee Futch

Pete Monash & Tad Hamilton

Pete Monash & Tad Hamilton

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